God’s Court Clerk


An ashy dim glow, blurred outlines of hands, faces, massed below
Reaching up, begging, crying out, but knowing they darkened their own soul!

Now understanding the true punishment, for hate seeded and sown
Each soul stands in darkness, each soul feels alone!

A chance for a reprieve now gone, an eternity of night will cover
The chance to live again, for the condemned soul, that opportunity is over!



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Reveling in spite, tongs lashing fire, with glee and delight
Your soul’s have begun to darken, soon to be as black as night!

The warning is for all, a grave warning, you must take heed
Your soul’s future, a soul in jeopardy, the light you may never see!

The orders for your indictments, commands now being handed down
Special prosecutions, for some a reprieve may never be found!


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The Führer shivers in the blackness, forever, mumbling of his time
Each word brings him pain, the pain of those he denied!

For those who embrace the Führer’s hate, or love his twisted lines
Your destiny, when your time comes, will now be defined!

For you will feel the same pain, as you will share his mind
Listening to him mumble, and beg, for the rest of time!


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I offer a look, poof of vengeance you seek
Special Prosecutions, for those soul's, were no light can reach!

For those who had the power to sway, but use it to lie, cheat, scheme
To convince their countrymen to murder, destroy, mutilate, all they see!

For I offer the vengeance, I offer no heavenly reprieve
But you must offer the justice, for the world to begin to see!


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To kill another, sacrifice them, then with joy invoke my name
Your soul will suffer, the punishment, an eternity of pain!

Each moment that pass, for your life the clock ticks away
You will feel the true hand of vengeance, your dark soul will pay!

No mercy will be offered, your free will lead you to this fate
Special prosecution, the crimes, killing others, your willingness to hate!


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Those who control the swill, poisoning lands and seas
Gorging on authority, the lust for control, and then greed!

When your time comes and it will someday, the light you will never see
Your soul will not be allowed to escape, no death bed reprieves!

Turned to dust, by the final fires of man, left in the ground to decay
Your greed ended, your soul is washed away!


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If you practice deceit, if you practice the spread of lies
If you use them to twist, provoke, mislead, and defile!

Each day that passes, will be your reckoning, will now be your trial
Each utterance, each provocation recorded, each twisted lie defined!

Your eternity will be spent at the edge of time, standing, waiting in a line
Offered up reprieves never to be realized, forever, always denied!


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If war is your way, if war is your plan
If death and denial, wantonly comes from your hand!

Your eternity will be filled with dishonor, with disgrace and shame
For you will carry off the burdens, you will labor in an eternity of pain!

You will beg the meek, your head hung down in shame
You will offer yourself, to take the burden, of their earthly pains!


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Those that are using ancient chains, ancient books to rule
Ancient thoughts, ancient words, used as the stick, as the tool!

The books, if you used them to punish, deny, and divide
If you used them for control, to get power over other’s minds!

When your time comes, punishments will be fitting for your crime
You will forever be walking in a circle, in the dark, wondering why!


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Mankind’s laws must be that of justice, truth, belief in equality
Man’s future relies on those principals, ideals, those philosophies!

But there are those, whose values reflect vengeance, division, reflect deceit
Who undermine Mankind’s great achievement, attack those who learn to see!

Those who build walls, to blind Mankind, stop the future, build to impede
For you rocks will be your eternity, stacking them, will be your need!


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Those who live on high, think excess is the betterment of man
While the weakest are left to be the prey, that failure is your end!

One last privilege granted, gluttony paved your way
Special treatment the plan, on that final day!

As you streak past the masses, on your way to the night
You will take bits of their pain, they will take bits of your light!


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The House's command you listen, your money to prove you care
Demand nothing more from you, except obedience to their flare!

Millions spent on ceremony, pomp and elegance
Money for the poor wasted, on egos of powerful men!

Those that have taken what’s given, used it for your own selfish needs
For your eternity you will go mad, with the pain of hunger, food just out of reach!

